RHProxy Windows 10 IoT - GPIO Issues

Having a metric ton of issues attempting to make GPIO work in Windows 10 IoT mode. Some GPIO pins set to output mode don't output any voltage. The ones that do (specifically GPIO14 [BIOS 12, Pin 31]) go to a high state if the application closes or the pin is closed even though the BIOS is configured for "Low" default.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Can provide code samples if necessary.
Okay, so far the following GPIO pins switch to hot after closing the pin, regardless of BIOS setting:
- GPIO14 (Pin 31, BIOS GPIO12)
- GPIO40 (Pin 35, BIOS GPIO14)
- GPIO13 (Pin 37, BIOS GPIO15)
- GPIO41 (Pin 12, BIOS GPIO18)
GPIO7 (Pin 29), GPIO24 (Pin 33), GPIO11 (Pin 18) all respond as expected - when the pin is closed, the state does not change.
GPIO5/6 (Pin 13/15, BIOS GPIO5/6) don't work at all. Can't read or write. Seems that this was at some point slated to be an ADC, so maybe that's why?
Again, there is ZERO documentation on using RHProxy with the UP^2 except trial and error.
Correction, GPIO7 (Pin 29), GPIO24 (Pin 33), GPIO11 (Pin 18) all revert to low when the pin is closed. It’s beginning to look like I’ll need to write my own ACPI Table.
So the trick is to set IoRestrictionNoneAndPreserve in the ASL when compiling a new ACPITABL.dat file.
Hi @TheZNerd , I' looking for help doing very simple things: plugin potentiometer and get its value....
I guess that it is some analog stuff, so I have to use ADC ? Using SPI controller I guess ? But.... nothing worked. I followed https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-iotcore-samples/tree/develop/Samples/PotentiometerSensor/CS
I don't now how to compile new ACPITABL.dat as you said... no documentation, no help, no one here in the forum....
I guess I will go back to LattePanda boards... Much more easier !! Plug 3 wires on your potentiometer and voilà, it's working ! Using MCP3008 is a pain !
Completely desperate....
Thanks for any help...