OpenCV with Intel Media SDK

Hi all,
we are just programming a little VideoCapture node to read a stream from a camera and write it down to file with H.264 encoding. We're using OpenCV with it's functionscv::VideoCapture("/dev/video0", ...)
cv::VideoWriter("DestinationFile", cv::fourCC('H','2','6,''4'), ...)
It's just a simple OpenCV Code processing reading and writing in a Loop. The input of the camera shall be 1920x1080. Capturing this with GStreamer is no problem!
The Problem that occoured
We felt very sad after programming this, because the writing is very slow... The maximum was about 10 fps, even with 1280x720. But we did not dispair!
The possible solution
OpenCV is supporting the 'Intel Media SDK'. You can use it withcv::VideoWriter("DestinationFile", apiReference="INTEL_MFX", ...)
This API Reference will directly adress the Intel Chipset to encode/decode your stuff. Before your are able to use the API Reference the Intel Media SDK has to be installed.
Here is detailled description:
But we have a problem building OpenCV with the MediaSDK: CMake is Unable to find the SDK. In CMake it is allways telling-- Intel MEdia SDK: NO
no matter which flags are set.
Is there somebody that have experiences with installing OpenCV with Media SDK?
Hey ho,
after some investigations my colleague finished the API installation on the UP^2.Let me report her notices. Maybe someone will get the same problems. I did this work not on my own, so i maybe cannot answer questions, sorry...
Build OpenCV with Intel Media SDK
Intel Media SDK
libva & libva-utils
libva and libva-utils download and compile:
git clone git clone cd libva ./ make -j4 sudo make install cd libva-utils ./ make -j4 sudo make install
gmmlib download and compile:
git clone cd gmmlib mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j4 sudo make install
media-driver download and compile:
git clone mkdir build_media cd build_media cmake ../media-driver make -j4 sudo make install
copy Driver
Copy driver from /usr/local/lib/dri/ to /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib.
bash sudo cp /usr/local/lib/dri/ /opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/
Set Environment Variables
bash export MFX_HOME=/opt/intel/mediasdk export LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH=/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=iHD
Test installation
In Terminal mit folgendem Befehl testen:
bash vainfo
Intel Quick Sync Video
Intel Quick Sync Video installieren
MediaSDK backend in OpenCV
Change OpenCVDetectMediaSDK.cmake
In OpenCV/cmake/OpenCVDetectMEdiaSDK.cmake line 24:
find_library(MFX_LIBRARY NAMES mfx PATHS "${root}/lib/${arch}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
cannot find MFX_LIBRARY.To find MFX_LIBRARY change
.Cmake Flags
Use cmake:
bash cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -D WITH_MFX=ON ..
Verify in Buildinformation:bash -- Intel Media SDK YES (/opt/intel/mediasdk/lib/libmfx.a)