UP-Board, Yocto-Dunfell, STMCubeProgrammer

New Member Posts: 3 ✭
I have build an Image for UP-Board using Yocto Dunfell branch. The image is upboard-image-sato. I want ti install STMCubeProgrammer in it, but I am not able to do so. It would be great if I can install STMCUBEProgrammer in it.
STMCubeProgramme installer: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html
Installation instruction on LINUX: https://karo-electronics.github.io/docs/software-documentation/flashtools/stm32-programmer/index.html
Hi @Munawar ,
You may have to build a yocto image with the appropriate STM meta layer. Kindly check https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/meta-st-stm32mp for more information about the layer.
Hi @Munawar
Did you manage to boot the Upboard after building Yocto-Dunfell branch?