BIOS Update issues with NVME connected

Hi All!
I just wanted to share a solution to an issue I was having. I was trying to update the BIOS from 1.4 to 1.9 using the following guide:
I was getting an error message stating that the "ME entire firmware update" option is dissabled even though I was sure that it was enabled prior to reboot. I also noticed that the board seemed to be rebooting twice when I enabled the bios option and the option is apparently not persistent. I don't know why exactly but I had to remove the NVME in order to keep the board from restarting twice. Now the update finishes successfully. In my previous experiments I had an issues with power adapter that was too weak to handle NVME (USB drive booted correctly) and I suspect that even with more powerfull adapter It might have been the cause of the update issues. I hope someone can find this information usefull since I was unable to find the solution myself.
Hi @lukaspohl,
I will try to replicate this BIOS update to verify this issue. Thanks