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Up Board 3D printed laptop

I designed a 3D printed laptop meant to be as few parts and simple to make as possible. It's very chunky but stylish still! It was deigned around the Raspberry Pi so any matching form factor board will fit. I always wanted a Windows version and I found the UP board a perfect fit!
It uses a 2S LiPo power system with 2 x 10,000MAH batteries and an inexpensive buck converter with constant voltage output for power. The screen is 7" at 1024x800 with 10 point multi-touch support via USB. There's USB audio and USB WiFi plus Bluetooth via a small adapter. Overall size is 8 inches by 6 inches and little over 2 inches thick with the lid closed.
I did have to modify the base design for the Up board some. I moved it back from the front since there is no SD card to worry about to make room for the USB 2.0 header. I used the header to panel mount dual USB accessory for the laptop since it had the space for the dual panel mount already. For the USB 3.0 OTG I used the Up adapter and some 3M VHB tape to secure it in place in the case with rear access. There's also a small USB 2.0 hub inside with the Keybord, WiFi and BT, and Touchscreen on that. I used a 256GB USB flash stick for additional storage in the OS, mostly for my work and cloud files. I added 3mm height to the base to allow space for the bottom heatsink on the Up board plus added the Up active cooler and plenty of vents.
The keyboard is a mini Rf wireless unit that snaps into the palm rest once removed from it's casing. I used the 3.3v pins from the Up board connected to the LiPo battery in on the keyboard to power it. This works out great and is super simple. It draws less than 30ma.
Overall the unit is a bit over 2 inches thick when closed. It's 8 inches wide and 6 inches deep approximately and weighs just about 2.5 pounds. There's a lot of battery and I didn't want any crazy soldering or modding going on so it uses pretty much off the shelf parts.
The Up board with 4GB RAM and 64Gb Strorage powers this, it's got power too. I did play Crysis on it just to prove the point. So far I have gotten about 12 hours of battery life out of it playing Youtube videos and looking up stuff on the web. It's being used daily now and it's handy, fun and a good conversation starter!
You can see the project here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2859679
The Up Board build is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/make:623008
Raspberry Pi Build: https://www.thingiverse.com/make:600799
Asus Tinkerboard build: https://www.thingiverse.com/make:606520
Thank you!