How to connect UP board with parallel display?

To Administrator of this Forum. IDK whether I should Comment on this old Thread (over 1 year). But here goes: To DDupboard: By "parallel display interface" Do you mean a LCD Screen w/ a real small (multi-conductor) Connector? AAR there is a CSI (?) connector on the UP-Board CN31? (I forget). AAR2 this doesn't quite get you there. You still need some sort of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) between said Connector and the LCD Panel. I had a pi-Top Ceed unit that took HDMI and converted such to a flat-LCD Screen. My pi-Top Ceed Died.
But the Manufacturer sent me multiple (good?) small MoBo (MotherBoards) for me to try (to fix my problem). I since Moved On. My UPBoard sits in another Case. So I have these MoBo's. Anybody want any? You pay the Shipping. Cost of actual MoBo (to you) is ZERO. ZILCH. Can send Photo. Contact me. Don't want any misunderstanding. Otherwise we will have to (as the British say); "Get it Sorted"