My Up-Core Bios upgrade Nightmare [Solved!]

Hi all,
I am posting here for anyone with Bios upgrade nightmares like me. hopefully this will help someone else out. please post here your own experiences!
use Rufus to create a USB drive:
The download MSI auto bios flasher
then copy the up-core bios files to the following folder. RENAME [GO.nsh] TO=> [flash.nsh]
now boot with USB on UP-Core. follow through with F7, and select the EFI USB drive. everything else is automatic with confirmations.
Good luck!
Sean Phillips
Thanks, very helpful! Did you ever update your case, or happy with the v2? -
I'm among the suffering. Ugh. Have not figured out how to access the Shell on my Core. Should I infer from your solution above that the "old" UEFI Shell solution (i.e. the way we update Up2 bios) does not work on Core? That is, the Shell is not built in to Core as it was on Up2?